On a snowy day, many people stay in side and watch a DVD, play a game, or go on the computer. Though, Facebook is intended for older folks (yes, there is supposed to be an age limit) many kids are involved in Facebook. Here's some great thoughts from www.EpicParent.tv
Facebook is a great place to re-unite with old friends, make business connections, drive traffic, expand spiritual influence and post pics from 82 while you skated to “Another One Bites the Dust”. Facebook can also be a place of lust, secrecy and it can be a dangerous place for kids to spend their time.
* Identity Theft: Scammers are lurking behind the pages to steal your kids personal information.
* Blemished Reputation: “A recent Career-Builder survey found that 45% of employers use sites like Facebook to research candidates; 35% found content that led them to reject a prospect.”
* Outrageous Spending: Kids are spending mom & dad’s cash on credits and Facebook games. The charges typically show up on mobile phone accounts. (be sure to double check your bill)
* Sexual Content: A 12 year old recently received a “how are you in bed” quiz on their wall.
* Predator Activity: Predators pose as children on Facebook with the goal of connecting and harming children. Peter Champman used Facebook as a tool to meet, rape and kill 17 year old Ashleigh Hall. You can read the story HERE.
* Addiction: Facebook can become addicting and zap all your kiddos time.
* Honest Conversation: Sit down with your kids and share with them the dangers Facebook presents. Don’t scare them, just make them aware of the risks.
* Form Rules: I encourage all parents to agree upon specific rules when it comes to Facebook, write down the rules so there are no questions asked.
* Watch Closely: As your children are creating their profile, watch closely and make sure there is no personal information shared.
* Use Privacy Links: Set your kids profile to private, this means that only approved friends can view your child’s information. Check out this detailed explanation on how to set up a private profile, READ HERE.
* Set Time Boundaries: Last week I did a post, 11 SIGNS MOM & DAD ARE ADDICTED TO FACEBOOK. Your kids can be addicted too, monitor their time.
* Be Their Friend: Create your own profile and become your kid’s friend.
* Monitor Behavior: Regularly check out the posts and pics associated with your kids’ profile.
* Just Say NO: Many requests and game invites contain malware that will infiltrate your computer system.
* Flag The Bully: If your child is being bullied, Facebook makes it easy to report the issue. Read HERE for more information.
* PcPandora: You can record every move made on your kids computer, read more HERE.