Sunday, August 21, 2011

Peer Pressure

Doing what is right is not always easy...even for Christians! Sometimes Christians go through hard times and have to make tough decisions too.

In Daniel 1,2 & 3 it tells us about three young guys who had to make the tough decision to obey God rather than men. You can read about them there. They probably knew the scripture in Deuteronomy 6:18. (Take a moment and read that.)

Sometimes we are tempted to do what is wrong. Proverbs 1:10 says, "My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them." Do NOT give in when you are tempted to do what is wrong! ...even if someone else is trying to get you to do the wrong thing.

God wants to help you! Take some time and pray and God will give you the strength and help you know what to do.

Have an awesome week!

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