Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beefesians - Belong To The Herd

Howdy Pard'ner!

We had a rootin' tootin' praisin' time this morning in Kids Church! We've started a series of lessons from the book of Ephesians...and we are doing it "country western style" we are not just doing "Ephesians" but, "BEEFesians!"

Just like a cattle need to be brought into the corral, God wants to bring each of us into his corral too! He wants us to be a part of his Kingdom. He wants us to be a part of the group of believers called "the church."

When you belong to Jesus, you also belong to a great group of folks who love God and love others. You belong to the family of God.

Ephesians 1:5 says, "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure." Jesus was so happy -- it gave him great pleasure -- when we were brought into God's family.

And that's where YOU belong! God has a place for you in His family -- the church.

Take time today and read about Peter in Acts 12:1-18. It tells about Peter being in the wrong place -- prison. He did not belong there! He belonged with the followers of Jesus -- the church! Read in Acts 12 to find out what happened!

See you soon!

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