Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Covenant of Healing

Mr. Vic Poverud shared his testimony of healing after he broke his back many years ago. He fell off of a building that he was working on!

We know that Exodus 15:26 says, "I am the Lord who heals you."

Another great passage to read is in James 5:13-16.

We know that God's desire is to help us and bless us. Sometimes we do not see healing right away...but keep on trusting God! Pray, in faith, and know that God's promises are still true.

Isaiah 53:3-5 is a great passage to read during this "Holy Week" before Easter.

Trust God! He will help you!

Another video you may really enjoy during this Easter season may be found at www.timewithdizzy.com This is a clown friend of ours that has been here in Willmar with us a few different times. Enjoy!

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