B.L.I.T.Z. stands for "Bold Living In The Zone." We want to live boldly for Jesus wherever we go. We want to show our love to God and to others. Mark 12:30 & 31 talks about that.
In the game of football, many of the players on the field are blockers. They try to defend the person that has the football. Players on the other team are trying to tackle the person that has the ball. That ball carrier needs protection! He needs help!
As Christians, God calls us to help people too. He wants us to help protect others.
Read the scripture in Psalm 82:3,4 and 1 John 3:18.
Are there things that you can do (actions) that will help others? Are there people that are needy that you can defend?
John 10:10 tells us that Satan wants to steal and kill and destroy people. As Christians we should stand in the way of that attack and help protect people. We can do that through prayer. We can give words of encouragement. We can share truth. We can sacrifice something to help others. We can "make the block" when someone is being attacked.
May God help you as you show his love to others this week!
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