Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Penguin Series: Praisers NOT Complainers!

Ooooooo, February is COLD!

There are some animals that have learned how to survive in the cold, and how to keep good attitudes while doing it too! They are penguins.

This past Sunday we learned a lesson from 3,2,1 Penguins about having a good atittude. We know that God wants us to be PRAISERS and not COMPLAINERS. Say it with me, "Praisers NOT complainers."

It's always easy to focus on the little things that we don't like. God wants us to focus on the good things and be thankful!

Maybe today you could sit down and make a list of things for each person in your family. List the things you like about them, and they are good at, and that you are thankful for. Skip listing the things that bug you. You don't want to focus on the bad things anyway. Be thankful for the good. It will mean a lot if you share that list with your family members.

Here's some good scriptures to keep in mind.

John 6:43 * Philippians 2:12-15 * 1 Peter 4:8-10

I know that it's sometimes hard to not complain, but if you focus on the good, it will be a lot easier. Jesus will help you with that if you ask him too. Now, there's something to pray about, huh?

Have an incredible week! Be a praiser and not a complainer! Everyone will be happier that way!

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