Friday, November 5, 2010

Attitude Towards Others

A song was played on a video we watched about the Good Samaritan. Here are the words:

My hands are the Lord’s hands. Without me, how can his work be done? I will reach where he would reach: Loving kindness in my touch. I will be his healing touch to everyone.

My feet are the Lord’s feet. Without me, how can he walk with the poor? I will go where he would go, blessing others as I do. For him, I’ll walk where I’d never walk before. Help me Lord, let me give to my neighbor what you would give if you were here. Help me, Lord. Let me live so my neighbor will know you are always near.

My mouth is the Lord’ mouth. Without me, how can this voice be heard? I will say what you would say, speaking love and life each day, and everyone who’s near will hear his word.

God wants us to have attitudes that put others first. ...loving attitudes. ...kind attitudes. ...helpful attitudes.

Luke 10:25-37 records Jesus talking about this exact thing. Take some time to read that story today. Then take some time to think and pray about who you may help. Then DO it!

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