Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kidsworld - Focus For 2009

I've attached a short presentation here for all children's ministry workers. There are four key things I believe we need to focus on during 2009. Please take time to watch this presentation (about 12 minutes) and pray about the concepts that are shared. I've featured kids and Kidsworld workers from our church in this presentation.

Thanks for all you do! God wants to do great things in the lives of kids and families, and I believe he is using YOU to do just that in 2009!

Pastor Randy


Uncle Bob said...

This is an amazing presentation! On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it 132!

DonB! said...

As much as I realize you were describing elementary aged kids, I felt like you were describing me!

These same principles are what is needed when we present the Gospel to the unchurched: in simple, elementary terms. Activate, involve and then instruct them.

Good stuff Randy.

Steve Conley said...

Randy, do you have a hard copy of this? Would love to communicate some of your message to our workers... giving you credit of course. If you don't care to share. My email is, smak@bellsouth.net

Steve Conley