Monday, February 9, 2009

God Supplies!

This past Sunday morning, a group of men and women from Teen Challenge shared with our families. Numerous testimonies were given about God's help in hard times.

Philippians 4:19 states, "My God shall supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

You can trust God, even in the tough times! He know what you need, and He wants to give it to you.

Have you ever started to bake cookies and found out that you were missing an ingredient? You could not complete the recipe. You had to stop and go to the store to get that missing part.

Sometimes in life, people do not realize that they have a missing ingredient until things start going wrong. Then, they start to examine what that missing thing is. Often times, people will then try to fill their hearts and lives with something. The missing item usually is ...a strong relationship with Jesus!

Take care of that first. Have a strong relationship with Jesus. Read your Bible. Pray. Go to church whenever you can. Listen to those in authority.

When you put HIM first, you can know that he will supply all that you need!

Read Matthew 6:25-34 to find out more about what Jesus says about this!

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