Monday, January 2, 2012

Victory Through Obedience

Joshua and the people of Israel found that when they obeyed God's commands that they received a great victory.

At first, I'm sure that God's directions did not make sense to them. God told them to march around the walls of the city and not make noise. After doing this six days, they needed to march around seven times on the seventh day. They must have been tired!

Then God had them yell and blow trumpets...and the walls fell down! Do you think they even imagined that God would make the walls fall down? That seems to be a crazy idea, but God sometimes does things differently than what we think. Since the Israelites obeyed God, they had a great victory!

Read more about this happening in Joshua chapter 6.

These verses are good to learn and follow too:

Psalm 119:30-34 & 44
Deuteronomy 30:9-11

God bless you!

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