Monday, December 20, 2010

Star Shining Brightly!

In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Prince Caspian comes to an island just before the end of the world. On this island, a person named Ramandu and his daughter live. They also "glow." The daughter's name is Lilliandil (pronounced "Lil-ee-ann-dil"). We find out that Ramandu is a "star" that is once again gaining his energy by eating fireberries. He will one day head back into the sky. Though he was a "person," Ramandu was also a star.

Lilliandil looks like a beautiful young lady. After Caspian travels out to the end of the world, he comes back and asks her to marry him. Which she does. Lilliandil becomes the Queen of Narnia!

At the Christmastime, we also think about the STAR that lit the way to Jesus. When the wisemen followed the star, they were able to find Jesus and worship him. Read about that in Matthew 2:1-11.

We can lead people to Jesus too. When we live lives that "shine for Jesus" by having good attitudes and kind actions, people see that Jesus love is really in us.

Matthew 5:16 talks about that. Do you remember it? Check it out in your Bible.

Also, Daniel 12:3 says that YOU can be like a Christmas star! Take a moment and read that one today too.

Merry Christmas!

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