Hey there!
Ever fall down and go "boom!"? Ouch! It hurts to fall.
Adam and Eve "fell down" when they chose to do what they wanted instead of obeying God. That's called "sin." And Romans 3:23 says that all of us have done that. We've sinned. We've had wrong attitudes, wrong thoughts, and wrong actions.
The bad news is -- When you or I sin, it causes us to be spiritually separated from God. Ouch! That hurts.
The good news is -- Jesus paid the price for our sin and disobedience so that we can be forgiven, and now have a new relationship with God. That's awesome!
When Jesus paid the price, it wasn't with money, or a checkbook, or a credit card. He used something FAR more valuable. He used His very own blood! People can live without money...but they cannot live without blood. Jesus used his own innocent, precious blood to pay the spiritual price for our sins. But, he did NOT stay dead. He came back to life. And now we can talk to him and ask for forgiveness, and he freely gives it to anyone who sincerely asks.
Romans 10:9,10 says, "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified (made right), and it is with you mouth that you confess and are saved (from the penalty of sin)."
If you have not done that yet, you can pray right there where you are! You don't need to wait until you are at church. God hears you when you pray it and mean it.
You may read more scriptures about Jesus paying for your sins right here:
Matthew 26:28
Romans 8:1,2
Colossians 2:13,14
Hebrews 7:27b
Hebrews 10:10
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