Sunday, April 25, 2010

Little Things Can Become Big

Romans 4:16,17 tells us about Abraham, the father of our faith. God blessed Abraham and Sarah because they trusted God.

Verse 17 tells us that our God is a God who "...calls things that are not, as though they were." That means that even when things are not in existence--they are not there--that God can speak and call them into being. God can make great stuff out of NOTHING!

Read Genesis 1:1-11 and 14-20. Here you will see that God did GREAT stuff with basically nothing!

Later, we read that David was a young guy whom God used to win a great victory. David did not have experience as a warrior, but he stood up and put himself in a place where God could use him. He trusted God to guide him and give him the power to do what needed to be done. You can read about that in 1 Samuel chapter 17. It's awesome how God used David.

In the same way, God will use what little you have to do great things too! You just have to be willing and keep on doing your best.

Remember, God doesn't expect you to be the best, but He does expect you to do YOUR best.

May the Lord bless you and help you as you do your best for Him today!

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