Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jesus - Our Super Hero

Jesus is our hero! He showed courage. He helped the needy. He ministered to others through the power of the Holy Spirit. He did things with not just normal powers, but super powers. These were not "super powers" like we read about in comic books. This was the power that comes from the Holy Spirit. It's not just pretend. It's real!

Jesus talked about this in Matthew 19:26. Take a moment and read that. We find that sometimes things seem impossible--and probably are--in our own strength. But, with God's help super things can happen!

Watch a great video about a boy who is a gamer. He loves doing the "virtual reality" games, but has found something even greater. That is, that Jesus is not just imaginary like in the "virtual reality"games or comic books. But, Jesus brings SPIRITUAL reality to us, that helps us go beyond normal. He brings power that's beyond natural. It's SUPERnatural!

Go to Click on the upper bar where it says "Audio Visual". A drop down menu will be there. Click on "video." This will take you to the page where you can find "Bigger Than The World Itself". We watched this in kids church, and I think you'll like it.

Have a great week serving Jesus!

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