Sunday, August 2, 2009

Go Fish!

We know God wants all to be saved. He paid the price for all of us.

The question is, how do we get people to be saved? You and I cannot MAKE anyone pray. It's like you cannot get a fish to bite, but you can make it so it WANTS to. You need to use the right bait!


B- You need to know what the Bible says.
Here are some verses from the Bible that are good to know:
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8, Romans 10:9,10

A- stands for showing right attitudes and actions to others. You want to let your light shine to others around you. Show them that Jesus has made a difference in your life through your actions and your attitudes.

I- Show interest in the person's life and what that person is doing. Ask questions. "Do you like this? How do you do that?" Show interest, not IGNORE them. When you act like they are important to you, then they will listen to what is important to you too.

T- Tell them that God loves them. Tell them that Jesus has made a difference in your life. Tell them that God has a great plan for each life.

Is there someone you know that needs Jesus? Maybe there is someone you are going to meet this week. In a month you go back to school, maybe there's someone there.

Remember 4 things:

#1. Know your Bible --- one of the great ways to learn is in JBQ (starting this Fall)
#2. Examine yourself --- are you showing good attitudes and actions?
#3. Do you look at others and think about what would make them feel valued? Do you show interest in their lives?
#4. Are you willing to tell others that Jesus loves them?

Put the right "bait" out there and you may find that your friends too will get "hooked on Jesus!"

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