Monday, June 1, 2009

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Last Sunday, I showed everyone my unicycle. First, I played with the pedals and then balanced the unicycle on my chin.
The question is: what did you want to see?
You wanted to see the "rubber meet the road" ... it wasn't good enough, until I got on it and got across the room!

I could say, "I'm a unicyclist!"... but until I get out there and put ACTION to it, you don't believe me.
I could say, "I believe I can ride a unicycle." but, until I do it, it doesn't count. There has to be ACTION put with my belief.

Read together James 2:14-18 ... we show our faith by our actions.

James 2:26 "faith without works is dead."
The things we say we believe, need to result in ACTIONS... or they really do not count.

For example, If you say, "I believe children should obey their parents... but you don't do it..." then you probably really do NOT believe it.

Fill in the blank-
If you believe that it's important to be healthy, then you _______
If you believe that you should be kind to others, then you ______
If you believe that learning things will help you in the future,
then _______
If you believe that hell is real, then you _______
If you believe that everyone needs to know Jesus, then you ____
If you believe that worshipping God is the right thing to do,
then _____
If you believe that prayer workds, then _______
If you believe it is important to read your Bible, then _______

You can say you believe something- but your actions SHOW if you really do believe it.

That's where "the rubber meets the road." ... it's where faith connects with action.

Prayer: Lord, help us to believe, and help us to put ACTION to what we believe.

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