Tuesday, March 10, 2009


God calls us to think less of ourselves and more of Him. ...less of ourselves and more of others.

In second service, Madison said to us that a good way to think of serving Jesus is by using the world JOY.

Jesus first.
Others second.
Yourself last.

Take a moment to read Philippians 2:3&4. This is great advice for our families.

How can you put others before yourself? What can you do to help others, rather than look out for your own wants? Are there times you can put the interests of others before your own interests?

Sometimes this is hard to do, but if we are going to be more like Jesus, we need to work at this. Read Philippians 2:5-9. It tells us about Jesus attitude. Let's pray that we all have attitudes that look to help others rather than focus on our own selfish wants. When our attitudes are more like Christ, it will also affect our actions.

Have a great week serving Jesus!

1 comment:

Goetzman said...

Thank you for the information on selflessness. Our children are so blessed to have you in their lives. We appreciate who you are and all you do for the Lord.
Thank you,