Monday, December 15, 2008

Angels Ministering - December 14

I'm writing to you from a computer at a hotel in Fairmont, Minnesota! Sunday afternoon, right after services, I jumped in my van and drove to Sherburne, Minnesota to do the first night of "Home for the Holidays" at a theater.

After the program, I planned to drive back to Willmar, but the weather was terrible. I decided to stay at a hotel at Fairmont--which was only 11 miles away. Well, it took an HOUR to drive to Fairmont. The wind was blowing, the snow was whipping, and I could hardly see! I must say that I was praying along the way!

It made me think once again about my friend, Mel Erickson, and how his wife was on an icy road, and God helped her car stay on the road. It may have been an angel! Because there are times that God sends angels to help us.

On Sunday we talked about how Daniel was helped by an angel. Hagar and Ishmael were helped by an angel. In Matthew 4 we are told about Jesus temptation. Take a moment to read that you and you'll see that angels were sent to minister to Jesus at the end of that trial.

If you bundle up really well, you could go outside today and make a "snow angel!"

God bless you. I need to get on the road and try to make it back to Willmar!

See you soon!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Merry Christmas P. Randy!!! Stories are very powerful and stick with people. I remember you telling the angel / driving story vividly and it has been close to 7 years since you told it. Bless ya for making lasting impacts on all of us with your words and insights.
Keith - Green Bay