“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
Soon after that Adam and Eve decided to be in charge instead of doing what God said. Since the beginning of mankind, everyone has wanted to be in charge and do what they want.
In the Bible this is often referred to as “the flesh” or the “sinful nature”. It’s the STUPID part of me that makes bad sinful selfish decisions… It’s the part that wants to make my body feel good and satisfy my IMMEDIATE desires.
Read these verses to understand more about that selfish side of you:
James 1:13,14
Romans 13:14
Romans 7:18
1 Peter 2:11
Galatians 5:24
There is a fight that happens INSIDE each of us between God’s ways and our ways;
Between God’s ways and our sinful desires. Which one will win? The one you feed. The one you starve will become weak. The one you feed will become stronger and take over.
It’s your choice: Will you become stronger spiritually and please God, or will you choose your own selfish sinful way? This is why it is important to be reading your Bible and praying on a regular basis. That's the way you feed your heart and mind the RIGHT STUFF! When you do that you will become spiritually strong and be better able to say "no" to sin.